In just 60 seconds, the Focus on the Family Minute provides a daily "nugget of truth" for building strong families. Hosted by John Fuller, the Focus on the Family Minute features helpful advice on how... (view more)
On each information-packed broadcast, we'll give you practical advice on marriage, parenting, emotional and spiritual growth, health, social issues and public policy concerns.
The show's message is a commitment to excellence in communicating the truths of Scripture. There is also an emphasis on the person of Jesus Christ in an accurate,clear,and practical manner so that peo... (view more)
To put it simply: our purpose is to present an exciting half-hour program that brings scriptural principles to life through memorable characters, realistic dramas, heartfelt comedy and even a bit of f... (view more)
Grab a shower, make some coffee, and tune in for the best in Christian music, the latest news and sports, a weather update every 15 minutes, and some inspiration to get you moving!